OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is an open-source SIP platform for VoIP communications. OpenSIPS is able to handle a large number of registered users. It smartly manages thousands of calls per seconds along with simultaneous calls. Sending and receiving a considerable amount of traffic effortlessly is one of the characteristics of telecom business and they constantly require a technology that allows them to provide ultimate ease.

OpenSIPS Module Development

This is one of the most significant areas of OpenSIPS solution development. OpenSIPS ensures a vast number of easy-to- use modules. The widely used openSIPS modules include back-to- back user agents, database backend authentication, dialog support, dial plan management, dynamic routing, SIP signalling, load balancing, PBX-like dialling, MySQL/Oracle backbends for database API, LDAP connecting, etc.

OpenSIPS Servers

The importance of the SIP servers in today’s world makes openSIPS technology to be one of the most sought-after. Proxy server, redirect server, presence server, NAT reversal server—all become possible once we opt for openSIPS platform. In fact, it enables a single solution to enable various server requirements and makes the engineering job easy.

The Advantage of Using dynamowebs's OpenSIPS Solution Development Services


Skilled OpenSIPS Development Team


Dedicated Technical Support


Strict Turnaround Time


Cost Efficiency